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Health links

For advice and information and other useful links

NHS 111
NHS 111 website
NHS 111

Self Care
If you would like more information on how to manage your health issues yourself you might like to go to the Self Care Forum
Self Care Forum

Sheffield Domestic Abuse Partnership
If you’re being abused you don’t deserve it and you don’t have to put up with it
Call 0808 808 2241 or visit the website
Sheffield Domestic Abuse Partnership

If you have concerns about a child you can get advice from Safeguarding Sheffield Children at Sheffield Safeguarding Children

If you have concerns about an adult you can get advice from Sheffield Adult Safeguarding Partnership at Sheffield Adult Safeguarding Partnership

Likewise Drug & Alcohol Support Service
Likewise is a drug and alcohol support service with no judgement, no pressure and no expectations. It’s help for you, however you need it – it could be dropping in for a cup of tea, or help with housing. More information can be found at Likewise

Supporting Neurodiverse children, young people and their family
Currently there is a long wait for referrals in Sheffield:
- 70 weeks for Pre-school Autism
- 64 weeks for Paediatric ADHD assessment
- 104 weeks for school age Autism assessment
For more information click here
Support is also available from the parent carer forum below.

Sheffield parent carer forum
- peer support service- very new service last 2 months
- For children 0 – 25 years with additional needs in Sheffield
- Formal diagnosis not required
- Workers all have lived experience
- Info and advice, signposting, 1:1 support, drop in sessions
- 0300 321 4721 and select option 1 or
- Facebook group also which families can join
For more information click here

Sheffield Mental Health Support
Click here for information on support available in Sheffield.

Click here to watch a youtube video on accessing support in Sheffield

Sheffield Support Hub
The Sheffield Support Hub offers free mental health support in a welcoming, comfortable, non-judgmental, and non-clinical environment.
An experienced staff team is available to provide emotional, social and practical support if you are in crisis or feel you are heading toward a crisis situation. Sheffield Support Hub
Phone: 07890 987 384
Opening hours: Monday, Thursday and Friday, 6pm-midnight, Saturday-Sunday, 2pm-midnight*
Address: 44 Bank Street, Sheffield, S1 2DS
More information can be found at Sheffield Support Hub

South Yorkshire Chaplaincy & Listening Service
The aim of the Chaplaincy and Listening Services is to engage with people within their communities in an inclusive way, recognising the differing contexts in which people find themselves on a day-to-day basis.
Essentially an independent, confidential service supporting people through the challenges of life, regardless of faith or background. More information is available on their website by clicking South Yorkshire Chaplaincy & Listening Service

Support for Young People’s Well-being and Mental Health
Young Person’s Link Worker
If you are aged between 13 -18 and having difficulties with low mood, anxiety, poor confidence or self-esteem, we have a mental health link worker who work with you to understand more about how you’re feeling and help you find your way into well-being boosting activities to support your health and wellbeing.
This could be introducing you to social events, community activities and support services, helping you build the confidence to engage with these independently and tackle other issues you may be facing such as emotional problems, loneliness, isolation and difficulties with education and employment.
For further information and details of services available click on the link below below or ask your GP
[Young Person’s Wellbeing & Support PDF ]

For advice about child abuse contact the NSPCC on 0808 800 5000 or if you are a child you can call Childline on 0800 1111 or visit the website

Appointments and prescriptions (pre-registration required).

Sheffield City GP Health Centre
Sheffield City GP Health Centre at Rockingham House on Broad Lane

Chlamydia screening
For more information on chlamydia screening go to

National Patient survey
The national patient survey looks at your experience about GP services and is repeated on a quarterly basis